A Wonderful New Beginning

It was 18 months ago when I received a call from Jim.  He needed a hand with his grocery shopping and a few other weekly chores.  Soon however, it became apparent that Jim needed more than just groceries.  He was terribly lonely and was keen to move into a village but didn't know where to start as he had no family living in NZ. 

Skip forward 12 months and Jim is happily residing in a lovely village on Auckland's North Shore.  Together we investigated village options, visited his solicitor, and sorted his possessions.  We selected a reputable company of packers and movers and we helped him choose his furnishings for his new apartment. 

He is now playing bowls and Rummy Cub every week and enjoying the companionship of several other residents, eating dinner in the village cafe weekly and heading out on the village bus whenever he needs to.  We still catch up once a week and it's wonderful to see him SO happy. 

He said last week that "it feels like a wonderful new beginning".